Super Sprite Shader Update

Been meaning to get to this...

I've added the newest sprite effects to the super shader, minus the barrel effect (texture coordinates are causing issues).

I've optimized some of the operations, as well as converted the previous way of toggling effects to shader defines and custom material property drawers. So now, when something is toggled off, it is off without any weight on performance. Truly amazing :)

Previously, some of the effects, when combined, would cancel the other out. Almost all of the effects are now compatible. Blur is not very friendly, it plays well with most, but you'll get some strange side-effects...

For example, when HSL and Blur are used together, the sprite is blurred between the original colors, and the HSL altered colors...

My goal is to perfect the compatibility of all the effects, but it will take time. If you have any feedback, or find any solutions, please let me know!


Tom, Norseware

P.S. If you have any requests for new effects,  additional options for existing effects, etc.,  don't be afraid to reach out!


SuperShaders_2.4v.unitypackage 541 kB
Mar 14, 2020

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